Monday, July 23, 2007

Adventure Week!!!

I have a moment while Deacon is napping...Must type quickly. This week is adventure week here at the Faulkner homestead. I had planned an adventure every day this week, but we started early yesterday. Yesterday (Sunday) after church and after a nap we headed to the east, which is Dallas. There we experienced the Kwik-E-Mart sensation that is here for the Simpsons movie. It was hilarious. There were about 60 people at least in this little gas station all waiting in line for Squishees and Buzz Cola. Super fun.

Then we went to Sprinkles. It's a ritzy cupcake place I've heard about and seen in US Weekly. It's actually right around the corner from the kwik-e-mart on loop 12 in Park Cities area....So, you know when you're dreaming of delicious cupcakes at a fancy place and they cost $3.25 each so they must be good...and then you actually eat one and it in no way is as good as your dreams...yeah, that happened to me. It was a fun experience, but a so-so cupcake. Sure they have all kinds of flavors and the atmosphere is crazy cool and I had organic skim milk, but the actual cupcake was more stylish than yummy. That may have something to do with the fact that there are no trans fats in them....Trans fats makes things yummy. But still fun.

Then we went to the biggest Half-Price Books ever! I thought Clayton was about to drive off the road when he saw it. It is huge....We only got through the religious section before Deacon decided he'd had enough bookstore fun. So, that was day one of adventure week.

Today the only adventure we've had so far has been going to a new SuperTarget. Which is plenty of fun for me. We went to the one by Montgomery Plaza. Not to busy at 9am on a Monday morning. We got some fun stuff. A new toothbrush for Deacon, because he now has 2 teeth. A giraffe decoration for his room. One of those things to cover shopping carts and high chairs so Deacon will be safe as he chews on everything. Also, we found those things you put on the restaurant tables that stick so we can put his food on the table for him. (See Monica, we found them!!!) Deacon fell asleep on the way home from this adventure...

Some things we will do this week...The Fort Worth Zoo, Train at Trinity Park, Botanical Garden, NRH20 on Friday with Daddy! Stay tuned for more fun updates from Adventure Week!!!!!

Also, Deacon is totally crawling....He does it in short spurts and still does a lot of rolling around...He can also get to sitting position from laying down and is pulling up. He's gone mobile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello beautiful,
You write just like you talk and I am laughing all over the place. If I can get a babysitter for the puppies and borrow your sister's car I might be able to come up this coming weekend. I want to see him crawl.... he is a hoot! Where does he get that from? I love you all, Mimi