Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Harvard, Class of 2025

I think Deacon may be a genius.

Tonight, while I was in our bedroom making up our new sleep number bed, Deacon showed supreme word recognition skills! Now, I believe this happened earlier, but it was iffy...Tonight's example is solid.

Earlier Example: Deacon and I were playing on the ground. Toys were everywhere. We were watching Praisebaby and an elephant came on the screen. So I say to Deacon, "Where is your elephant?" He turns around and looks right at his stuffed elephant. So, that example is shaky...but then tonight...

Tonight's Example: Clayton is playing with Deacon on the ground. His toys are around. He is sitting about 3 or 4 feet from his overturned basket of toys chewing on said elephant. Clayton says, "Where is the monkey?" Deacon looks left, he looks right, then he crawls to the basket, digs through other toys and picks out his monkey face potholder and holds it up to chew on it!!!!!!! Our baby understands language!!!! YAY!!!!

We probably say monkey about 500 times a day. He has monkeys all over his room, we saw them at the zoo, he loves his curious george doll, and I'm constatnly saying, " What sound does a monkey make? Eee-Eee-Ooo-Ooo"!

We also had fun tonight at music class at TCU. We started the Fall semester tonight and Aunt Kelly came with us. So, that was fun!

Harvard here we come! Probably with a major in Zoology!!

1 comment:

clayton said...

it was not the monkey face potholder he grabbed out of his box of toys. It was the orange monkey from Ikea.