Monday, August 27, 2007


I'm about to print out Deacon's b-day invites. His birthday is September 27, 2006. This date is based on speculation. Deacon and his buddy were found on October 27, 2006 and the police or orphanage guessed they were one month old. So, by subtracting his age from date found, we get 9/27. We've been sticking with this and since we havn't completed the re-adotion here yet, it doesn't make a difference....We can change his birthdate on his birth certificate that we'll get in the re-adopt I beleive....

BUT, now I'm trying to get Deacon into some mother's-day-outs and they have the same rule as Texas public schools...Must be one by Sept. 1 to enroll in the 12 month old classes. Now, I'm considering bumping his birthday back to August 27...Which would be today! I've consulted with some teacher friends about what happens when Deacon goes to Kindergarten and they think that boys do better when they are older in the don't worry that he'll turn 6 the first month of kindergarten.

BUT, see previous post about Deacon's apparent geniusness, and now I'm conflicted...What do I do????? I sometimes think that since he is in the bottom of the percentiles on height and weight that he may be a little older... Come on readers, give me some advice!!!!

***UPDATE: See comment section for the dialogue!!!!


Anonymous said...

Well Honey, all you have to do is ask...tee hee. But first, please no more pictures with "Nasty" stuff on his beautiful face. Someone will save them and use them when he runs for Vice President. (I don't think he can be president, but don't mention it to him now.)
If you put him in a 1-year-old class and he does fine or even exceles, no problem. If you put him in a one-year-old class and at the end of the year you can see clearly that he is lagging, you can put him in another 1-y-o- class next year. HE will not mind. You really have about 4 years to see his development and make y'all's decision. Simple. huh? My personal opinion is that he is very bright because you and Clayton spend so much time encouraging and stimulating him that he is probably advanced. This may or may not level out later, but I think he takes after Clayton and I don't know how that happens. Now, I also see where he takes after you in his zest and love for life, especially his socialization skills. He has never met a person he doesn't want to visit with and make a new friend. Oh yeah, he can fall asleep anywhere. I love you!!! Mimi

Jenny said...

Hi Margo. I don't think I've ever commented on your blog, but I did want to give my opinion on this. I don't remember how I found you all, but it was right before you left to get Deacon. We've been back from ET with Josh for 3 weeks, and I've enjoyed reading your blog seeing what all D's up to now.

Anyways, our situation is like yours. Josh's b-day is an estimate. He was found at approx. 1 month old too, so they based his b-day the same way they guessed Deacon's.

My personal feelings on it is I would not change it. Whether it's absolutely correct or not isn't so much the point for me either, but I feel like it's one of the few identifying things little Josh has from ET. It's obviously just a guess and probably a little off, but not by much. For me personally, I just don't want to take that one little thing away from him.

Anonymous said...

A teacher here - typically boys do better academically and socially when thay are older (and bigger) for their grade. That is just a statistical thing though and may not be true in every case.

Margo said...

that seems to be the overall general opinion. my sis emailed me and said the same thing...older boys do better in their grade. my husband likes that he'll be popular due to getting his license first of all his future friends...anyone think otherwise???

emily said...

Found your blog through a blog:) We are neighbors- down the road in Arlington!! We really went back and forth on whether or not to hold or oldest back, he is a June boy. We heard over and over again that "you will never regret holding them back!" Well after much prayer, etc....we decided to start him on time. He is now 11 and how we wish we had waited!
I guess the saying was true- he has learning differences that we just didn't know at the time, but I do think that it can only give them an advantage to start them in school later!
Would love to meet you guys sometime. We are waiting on a referral for a sib group:)

The Elliott Family said...

Having 2 boys has shown me 2 things:

1) They have no problem dirtying a diaper and sitting in it (so don't stress the potty training), and
2) They are immature

Both of my boys are smart in different ways (one is socially ahead, the other mentally, but not so much in the other categories), but put them next to a girl their age, and it really gets clear where they are.

But we are talking a 12 mo. Parent's day out, not kinder or 1st grade. I am a PDO teacher's aide. It's just a good social and fun time with a little learning at that age...they can't even talk yet! Deacon can do it again next year. If he was 2 or 3, it would make a bigger difference, but at this age, let him learn a little independence and fun with the other kids, I think. But do prepare for the sick stuff...those kids never stop "sharing the love"!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I think, and of course I have an opinion on this :), that you should wait. Talking from child development background, he would do better if you waited and let him mature and develop more. He will be more developmentally on spot (not that he's to far behind now) but also in size too. Just my two cents.

Ally said...

hi Margo! This is Ally and Reece! I cannot believe how much Deacon has grown... haven't looked at your blog in over a month. We would love to make a play date with you! But we are going to Tulsa soon, for a week, while Christian is in Sweden for a wedding. SO after I get back, let's get together! I'm so excited for Reece and Deacon to meet. Reece is standing up often (with the help of furniture)... they're very close developmentally!

Unknown said...

Hey Margo-

I definitely agree with comments encouraging you not to change the b day just to get him into classes earlier. Having 2 Aug. B-day kids, I am ALWAYS discussing the whole Sept 1 cutoff with people. We plan to keep them on track with their age, but we have 2 girls and almost universally friends that I have had with boys (and my nephew has a late b day) have decided that they'd rather their boy be oldest in class, not youngest. It'd be totally different if you absolutely knew his b day was in August and wanted to start him on time and he was clearly ready. But, since you'd have to actually decide upon an Aug b day, I personally would probably not do that. It is also still very early to tell how he'd do and we are still totally willing to hold both or one of our girls back if once in Kindergarten, the teachers feel that they need it. So far with Reese-she's been doing great, though.

All that said...look at it this way: it's one extra year that you get to have your precious little guy home with you! You may feel anxious now to have him at the next stages of life, especially when he is advanced, etc.. but soon enough you'll wish you could just slow it all down. I already feel that way and our oldest is only 3! I will be a certifiable MESS when my kids start kindergarten.

Anne :)