Friday, July 06, 2007

Good Times.

Well, as you can see from the video below in the last post, Deacon is doing well. He is a happy baby and is actually really fun to have around. I've got some pics saved up from the past we go.

Dancing with Aunt Linda on the Fourth of July!

We ate at PF Chang's and Deacon does not, I repeat, DOES NOT enjoy rice. He did enjoy looking at the giant horses outside.

Tonight we just got back from the Ethiopian Day in Garland. We felt like we were right back in Addis while walking around the stadium. We got to enjoy some music and see a bunch of Gladney friends!

These are just super cute outfits. The first is his 'MOM' shirt. The second was him dressing up for his first wedding.

This is what Deacon did during church. He passed out on Jenny's lap. Everyone thought that was very cute. I thought it was so cute I took a picture. But, since it was during church, I turned the flash off and that's why it is blurry.

On our trip to Austin we stopped at IKEA!!!! Deacon loves IKEA!!! Everyone loves IKEA!!! Just saying IKEA is fun!!!

Also on the 4th, Deacon met his Great-Grandmother. Very fun stuff!!!

1 comment:

shelly said...

too cute!