Thursday, June 14, 2007

Road Trip!!

It's about 12:45 am and I'm waiting for my last load of laundry to dry and then I can finish packing for our road trip to Sugar Land tomorrow! It's crazy how much stuff I have to pack just for Deacon!! I remembered I had some cute pics on my new pink camera. I had to go buy a new camera just for me (that's why it's pink) to keep with me at all times b/c you just never know when Deacon will do something adorable...Case in point...

Hard Hat Area
Scrunched Up

Also here are 2 pics from the Gladney Meet and Greet for International Adoption from a couple of weeks ago. Clayton and I got to be on the panel of adoptive parents!!!! How fun was that!!! It was awesome to be on the other side of the experience. Here is Deacon with Mary and with Tonia. They were so excited to see him and we are so grateful to them and to everyone else at Gladney.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Margo!
Saw your comment on my blog and am glad you agree that our babies look alike (wouldn't want to think I was going crazy! ;)
These latest pics are great- Deacon is adorable.
And, you are never going to the believe this, but they have the same carseat, too! lol
MalĂ­a's Mama