We also enrolled Deacon in TCU's summer Early Childhood Music Class. We want to give him an early start in the music world. But if he grows up and doesn't want to be a musician, that is fine with me. He can be whatever he wants to be. But I still think he'll be a musician.

Also, I'm very excited that Deacon went to sleep tonight without crying. We've been trying to keep his nightly routine consistent. He gets rice cereal, a bath, a bottle and then put in the crib. The past couple of nights he has cried when put in the crib, but tonight, he fell asleep right away. We put him down about an hour later than usual, so that may also have helped. He'll probably wake up around 2 or 3 am for a diaper change and a bottle and then he goes right back to sleep until 6 or 7. He is the best baby!!!!
Clayton & Margo,
I realized with chagring that I have not left you all a comment in at least a month, and yet we have been checking your blog fanatically every day! We're super happy for Deacon joining your family and things workin g out so well. Thanks for being so diligent in updating your blog in Ethiopia--it was really exciting to have a day-to-day sense of your time there. It also felt like a kind of "dry run" for us! We will certainly heed your various travel tips. Hope to meet your babylove soon...
P.S. I actually know how to spell "chagrin"--a hyperactive finger added that last g!
Just an agreement with Clayton's comment that Deacon "is the best baby' and you bet he is. He is love in action. I can't wait till he gets a little pair of drum sticks in his beautiful creative hands. "Go Deacon, Go!" Love you baby boy. Mimi
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