Someone left a comment asking about what to eat in Ethiopia....I lost 10 lbs. in the 2 weeks we were gone. That's not a guess, I weighed myself the night we got back and sure enough, I am 10 lbs. lighter. The Hilton and Sheraton and restaurants have american food, the problem is that it taste different. I'd say we ordered a lot of spaghetti and rice dishes, but only ate a few bites. I suggest you bring plenty of snacks. So, there is stuff to eat, it just taste a little wierd. Do not miss the brunch at the Hilton on Sunday!!! That was the one meal I couldn't get enough of. It's on Sunday down in the gazebo by the pool. They have an amazing buffet. For some reason, everything there is amazingly delicious. And of course, as Belay says, eat whatever you want because you'll probably get sick anyways. Bring the biggest bottle of pepto you can find. Drink lots of bottled water. Bring crackers to eat when your tummy gets upset. Hope this helps!
Also, here is a cute pic I forgot I took when we were camped out in the DC airport terminal waiting on our last flight home...So cute!!!!
Also, the doctor visit went well. Deacon got 5 shots, but recovered quickly from the trauma. We got referrals for a head doctor to look at his kinda flat skull and a pediatric surgeon to do his circumcision...Ouch.
My son's skull flattened on one side a little because he always slept on his back with his head turned to one side. I started turing his head to the other side once he fell asleep.
A friend of mine bought something called the Noggin Nest ( has it). It is meant to keep babies head rounded out when s/he is awake but on his/her back.
Hi...we've never spoken but I read your blog often. I have become friends with Amy B. over the past few months. We just returned home 2 months ago with our little girl-9 months old now, also Gladney baby. Anyways- we've been to several specialists about "flat heads"-plagiocephaly. My experience is that pediatricians usually tell you it'll "fix itself," but that may or may not be true (acc'ding to research) Anyways... we aren't sure if we're going to get a band/helmet yet for elizabeth (turns out she IS outside the "normal range" for head shape but not extremely). I recommend doing a free consultation with Cranial Technologies (if one is near you) or an Orthotist. It just gives you more information. BTW-How old is Deacon now?
There's a yahoo group for parents of kids with plagiocephaly (mis-shapen heads) which is VERY common with adopted children previously in orphanages.
congratulations on bringing home deacon! i have been following along with you since you first submitted your app.! the process was quick! i need a t-shirt like that fo rmy kids! very cute! i *highly* recommend the no cry sleep solution! it really works and is gentle. check out this link for more babywise info.
Thanks so much for the food info. That is very good to know as we will be leaving for Ethiopia in about a month! I still think that shirt is the cutest!
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